• Hybrid components

    By integrating a wide variety of materials into our plastic products, we are able to fulfil demanding technical requirements.

  • Multi-component injection moulding

    With our modern machinery, we combine several plastics in one component to perfect design and function

  • plastic concept gmbh

    As an independently managed company with shareholders from the management, PC has become a system partner for the automotive industry

  • Online production

    By combining injection moulding and assembly systems, we produce assemblies with maximum efficiency and quality with low logistics costs

  • Hybrid components

    By integrating a wide variety of materials into our plastic products, we are able to fulfil demanding technical requirements.

FuE-joint project

„Air-Air-HX" concepts for air-to-air heat transfer to save energy and increase range in vehicles with electric drive concepts.


Development of concepts for alternative energy recovery from the vehicle cabin for future vehicles with electric or fuel cell drives.

Improvements compared to the state of the art:

  • Utilisation of waste heat from the vehicle cabin through direct heat transfer using an air-to-air heat exchanger
  • Compact, weight-optimised solution (plastic heat exchanger)
  • High efficiency (coefficient of performance greater than 10, comparison heat pump: 2…4)
  • Low costs by avoiding expensive materials with limited availability and using technologies that can be industrialised
  • No refrigerant required

Project partners:

plastic concept gmbh
Paul Heat recovery GmbH

This project is co-financed by: